Woodbine joins NewDeal Music
News from NewDeal Music ! After Twelve Diversions, it’s Woodbine’s turn to join NewDeal Music gang ! The missing post-rock chain is preparing an E.P….
Discover “Revolution’s March” in video, first single of “Forwards become backwards” from Twelve Diversions, that will be released on Newdeal Music label the 8th of…
Spleen – Mr Yaz – Live session #4
“Spleen”, is the 4th and last track from Mr Yaz live sessions, recorded thanks to Spectacle Vivant Com d’agglo Saint Die des Vosges. We are…
Bad, new Mr Yaz single.
Following Ca n’engage à rien, here the second video of the Mr Yaz live sessions, with a brand new title: Bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0IfLFPwD0E Find the other…

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